4 remote control models

Thanks to Yves Deniaud (France), Ertan Onkol (Turkey) and Jonathan Brown (USA)

1) by Yves Deniaud :

Enchanted by this (apparently !) very simple pendular concept, Yves built a remote control model of it : “I began to built the trike with wood and plastic parts, then the V tail with 6 mm thick Depron cut with hot wire.”

“While shopping at a toys store, I found a correct sized doll to be the future pilot…”

“After few surgical operations with a gas heater to fold arms and legs, a bit of Depron and some glue, the pilot was placed on board.”


“The wings had been made with 3 mm thick Depron folded and glued on 6 mm thick ribs and covered with large self adhesive rubber tape.”

“Off the shelf universal joints link the wings to the trike.”


“…and finally fitting the engine and other control rods.”

“The first test flights are planned for very soon !”

Contact : Yves Deniaud

2) by Ertan ONKOL :

Video on ground and in flight


Contact : Ertan ONKOL

3)1/6 scale by Jonathan Brown :

Videos on ground and in flight




4) 1/6 scale by Jonathan Brown :

Videos on ground and in flight




Other RC videos by Jonathan

Contact : Jonathan Brown