Information on the cookies

What a cookie?

The cookies are small files which are installed on your computer or your peripheral for one limited time when you visit our Web sites.


Finality of the cookies

We use the cookies in order to pay your visits and your registration on our more effective and more secure sites. The cookies also enable us to improve navigation on our sites and to understand your preferences of navigation.

Our use of the cookies

We use the cookies for:

  • You to identify when you connect yourselves to our Web sites.
  • To memorize your preferences of navigation such as your language, size of the police, presentation of the page or colors preferred. The whole to allow you to traverse our site more quickly and more easily.
  • To collect analytical information for, for example, to count the number of visitors on our Web sites and to identify the pages of our sites which you generally visit.
  • To determine if our visitors easily adapt to the modifications which we can make to our Web sites.

Information collected thanks to the cookies

The cookies helps us to collect information on the way in which you use our Web site, but we do not store any information allowing to personally identify you in the data of our cookies concerning you. We record only one login of single session which will help us to find a user profile like your preferences at the time of your next visit.

Types of cookies

Cookies of session the cookies of this type are temporarily stored on your computer or your peripheral during a session of navigation. They are deleted of your computer or your peripheral at the end of the session of navigation.

Cookies permanent the cookies of this type remain longer on your computer. The cookies permanent help us to recognize you when we must know who you are for more than one session of navigation.

These cookies can be divided into several



  • The cookies essential to navigation (technical cookies)

These cookies are essential to enable you to traverse our website and to use the various features as well as possible of them. These cookies are exclusively deposited by INSEEC U.


  • The cookies are essential with your navigation because they make it possible to optimize the operation of our site and to give you access to specific features. They also enable you to adapt made graphic of the site to the preferences of posting of your terminal. These cookies thus enable you to have a fluid and customtailored navigation.
  • The statistical cookies They are cookies which enable us to know the performances of our site, to draw up statistics of volumes of frequentation and use of the various elements of our site (contained visited, course).
  • These cookies enable us to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services (pages or the topics most often consulted, articles the most read,). The cookies are also used to us to enter the visitors of a page like detecting possible faulty operations of the site.
  • The advertising cookies They is the cookies used to present to you offers and the information adapted to your centers of interests during your navigation on Internet. The refusal of these cookies does not have impact on the use of our site. However, the fact of refusing the advertising cookies will not cause the stop of publicity during your navigation. That will cause only to display advertisements which will not take account of your centers of interests or your preferences. But in all way They will not be here part on spratt103.com.
  • The cookies social networks Our site comprises elements emanating of thirds (application buttons), which make it possible to the Net surfer to share via the social networks, of the specific contents. Such is in particular the case of the buttons To share, I like, g+1, Tweeter, resulting from social networks such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc If you interact by means of the elements emanating of third, for example while clicking on the button I like or by leaving a comment, corresponding information will be transmitted to the social network and will be published on your profile. If you do not wish that the social network connect the information collected via our site on your account user, you must before disconnect you from the social network. We invite you to consult the policies of protection of privacy of these social networks in order to become acquainted with the finalities of use, in particular advertising executives, of information of navigation which they can collect thanks to these application buttons.

Management of the cookies

In accordance with the regulation, you have a right of opposition and access on the data concerning you. You can thus oppose to you to the deposit of some of our cookies by using the suitable parameters of your browser. The menu of the majority of the browsers comprises options enabling you to manage your cookies while regulating or by configuring your parameters of cookies. Generally, the browser gives you the opportunity: to display your cookies; to authorize the cookies;


  • to disable all the cookies, or only cookies precis;
  • to disable all the cookies when you close your browser;
  • to block the cookies;
  • to be informed when you receive a cookie.


  • Please note that if you choose to block our cookies, some of the features of our Web sites will be disabled (in particular services such as registration online, the management or the personalization of the site) and your navigation is also likely to be affected about it. If you configure the options of your browser to remove all the cookies, your preferences of navigation will be deleted with the closing of your browser. Please note that unless you regulated the parameters of your browser in order to refuse the cookies, our system will emit cookies as soon as you go on one of our sites.


The durations of your cookies

Pursuant to the recommendations of the CNIL, the time of validity of the assent to the deposit of the Cookies on our sites is increased to 13 month to the maximum after their first deposit on your equipment and is not prolonged by new visits on the site. With the expiry of this time, your assent will have to be again collected. Thus 13 month, it is the maximum lifetime of a cookie